Thursday, July 09, 2009

In the News

The Ann Arbor News is reporting that almost 300 tons of road salt was stolen from a Washtenaw County storage facility sometime between July 1 and Monday.

Three hundred tons. Stolen.


This is not like someone lifted a salt shaker from Ram’s Horn during the breakfast rush. (Does Ram’s Horn even have a breakfast rush?)

Three hundred tons of road salt. It was probably at least a hundred dump truck loads. Gone. Vanished. And no one noticed it apparently.

Those sneaky dump trucks must have been disguised well.

In a related story on the English language, a reporter on Detroit’s WJR said this morning, “Workers discovered the missing salt on Monday.”

Um … What? Isn’t the problem that they haven’t discovered the missing salt?

Of course when it is found, someone will say, “So-and-so discovered the missing salt.” But of course, when it is discovered, it won’t be missing.

Language is weird, isn’t it? And the thing is, we almost always understand it.

Except when we don’t.

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