Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Hansen on Why Fundamentalists Like Piper

There has been a lot of people question why young people like men like Piper. I think Collin Hansen hits the nail on the head:

Since I wrote Young, Restless, Reformed, several students have contacted me to say they have been expelled from fundamentalist schools for embracing Calvinism. I have met many other students training for academic and pastoral work who started at fundamentalist schools but migrated toward seminaries where prominent Calvinists teach. Their stories often bear striking resemblance to one another. While appreciating the godly legacy of their parents, these students have read Piper and experienced refreshing delight evoked by a vision of God’s glory as revealed by the grace of Jesus Christ.

That’s nothing that a fundamentalist couldn’t do. They simply too often don’t do it.

Just like most evangelicals don’t do it.

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