Monday, January 26, 2009

This and That

Scot McKnight has an insightful observation about Obama's rescinding of the Mexico city policy that prevented money from going to organizations that provided abortion. He says, "The rescinding of the Mexico City Policy is not about reducing unwanted pregnancies, it's about reducing unwanted infants."

If you like (or are studying) OT and Hebrew, you will find some helpful info and links at Biblia Hebraica. On the right hand side, you will find a blogroll that includes OT/ANE blogs, NT/Early Christianity blogs, and a number of other theological blogs. I haven't looked at all of them, but there are some with a liberal bent to them.

Timothy Geithner was appointed to be Treasury Secretary today. We should all take comfort that a man who can't manage to get his own taxes right is now playing a major role in trying to rebuild our nation's economy.


Anonymous said...

And if anyone missed it, Nancy Pelosi was on the t.v. this weekend promoting abortion as a way to help states with their economies, by reducing the burden on the states' government programs. She also said she had no apologies for her statements. We have stooped to an all time low in this country! Interesting to note also is how this is prejudice against some of the biggest supporters of the democratic policies--the poor, the minorities, and the illegals.


Douglas Mangum said...


Thanks for the link. I want to point out that my blogroll on Biblia Hebraica includes a wide selection of blogs that I've come across dealing with the Bible. Being on the list doesn't mean that I endorse their content. I have blogs with both liberal and conservative bents on the list.
