Thursday, January 29, 2009

Food for Thought

"It is not that they [seminarians] not know the answers, but my observation is that most men graduating from our theological seminaries do not know the questions" (Francis Schaeffer, He Is There and He Is Not Silent, p. 4)

“Most likely the only way a conversation about spiritual things will happen is if you get things started. And you can choose to be a person who engages others in conversations about Christ. That’s a decision you can make” (Garry Poole, Seeker Small Groups, pp. 66-67).

"Theological fear is not primarily dread or repulsion for the fear-object, but surrender to God's authority" (Robert Morosco cited in W. Bingham Hunter, The God Who Hears, p. 21). 

Sin in us keeps us from ever being as good as our right beliefs should make us. The image of God in unbelievers keeps them from ever being as bad as their wrong beliefs should make them (Tim Keller, Connecting Audio Session, 8:05).

If we are not known to be God-loving believers by our obvious extravagance for the Lover of our soul, why should those who follow us bother with Him either? (Jim Berg, Changed Into His Image, p. 219).

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