Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A Wise Word from Homer Kent

“There is no way to refute a myth or a fanciful fabrication, especially if the proponents themselves are incapable of thinking rationally (1:7). One is in danger of granting such errorists a measure of respectability by deigning to consider their schemes, and the uninformed may get the notion that their teaching does contain something after all, instead of seeing it for the empty talk which it is (kenophonia). What must be done is to preach the truth positively, and the myths will be shown to be false.” (Kent, The Pastoral Epistles, p. 202).

I have long since concluded that the blogosphere is full of the most unimaginable nonsense known to man. (I am sure people think the same about my blog. I imagine I will sleep well tonight anyway.)

It is far too easy to get caught up in trying to refute everything little thing said, even with those who demonstrate an inability to engage in rational thinking, whether they are attempting to sound smart (as some do) or demanding answers to non-questions (as others do).

The truth is that even responding to some of it raises it’s level of respectability from nothing. The response of “I won’t dignity that by responding to it” comes to mind.

‘Twould be good to ignore the nonsense of both sides in the interest of our own sanity.

‘Twould not be nearly so much fun though.

1 comment:

Jim Peet said...

Re: "What must be done is to preach the truth positively, and the myths will be shown to be false."

Excellent advice. Thanks for posting this!