Saturday, May 23, 2009

Oh No! What Shall We Do?

I received a postcard in the mail recently informing me that the “God Save America” conference has been postponed for a year. What will ever we do?

Sounds like we will miss a chance to hear people misuse the Scripture to preach about America, capitalism, the evil of the Democratic party, prayer in schools, and a host of reasons why America is God’s chosen nation and God will have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah if he doesn’t judge America.

Frankly, perhaps the postponing of this conference is God saving America, or at least saving a few people from the travesty that passes as preaching in some circles.

Americans would do well to remember that the Bible is not about America. And God will save America only by saving Americans. And he won’t save them from socialism, Democrats, the 9th Circuit Court, the border patrol, or high taxes. He will save them from their sins through the gospel of Jesus Christ.

After all, Jesus didn’t die to save America from Obama. Or Bush. Or Clinton.

And the gospel should not be attached to the American way of life. It is for people of every tribe, tongue, people, and nation.

A conference on that would be worth saving.

1 comment:


Parabéns pelo seu blog! Deus abençoe seu ministério. (Rev. Ronaldo Mendes- BRASIL)- Your blog is very good! congratulations!