Saturday, March 13, 2010

Introducing the New Testament by Andrew David Naselli

This week, my friend Andy Naselli gave me a copy of his new (and first) book, Introducing the New Testament: A Short Guide to Its History and Message.

Some time ago, I had seen a manuscript of this book and am delighted to see it in print. It is a short introduction to New Testament that gives basic introductory information about each book of the New Testament such as author, date, recipients, and message.

It also has some broader chapters such as the Synoptic Gospels (discussing how Matthew, Mark, and Luke relate to each other), The New Testament Letters (sometimes called the epistles), and Paul: Apostle and Theologian. Each chapter includes discussion questions and additional resources for study.

This book is a condensation of the excellent Introduction to the New Testament written by Don Carson and Doug Moo, two top-rate NT scholars. The first edition had contributions by Leon Morris (hence it was called “Carson, Moo, and Morris”)

This is an excellent resource for those who are interested in studying the New Testament but are somewhat overwhelmed by the five hundred plus pages of Carson and Moo. It would work well in a local church setting for teaching a NT survey class, for individual study by a Bible study teacher or leader, as a quick reference when you don't want to read the big one, or for someone who just wants to know more.

Amazon says it will be available April 1, 2010.

Congratulations, Andy, and I am looking forward to more from you.

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