Tuesday, November 04, 2014

It’s Election Day

It’s Election Day and all over the country millions of people will be doing what they normally do, which is nothing. That’s right. Millions of people today will not vote.

And I am not particularly troubled by that.


Because I am one of those with the notion that people who vote should be people who know something and people who have something at stake. I am not in favor of ignorant voters who pull levers, push chads, or whatever simply because there is one there. I think voters should have to pass a basic knowledge test of issues.

Let’s face it, you would never leave your health care or your car repair to something as dysfunctional as our voting system. You really don’t want your health care to be determined by taking a vote a bunch of people who knowledge of your health and medicine comes from a series of thirty second ads and scattered yard signs with names on them, and who could be bothered enough to show up on a particular day to cast an unnuanced vote.

You don’t want your car problems diagnosed by someone whose knowledge of auto repair extends all the way to, but not past, the “So God Made a Farmer” commercial from the Super Bowl. It might be a little better if they are old enough to remember “Crazy ‘bout a Ford truck” sung by Alan Jackson.

Well, on second thought, that’s probably not a little bit better.

But that’s how we select a president. And a congress. We elect them by people whose knowledge extends no further than commercials and sound bytes, but who can happen to show up and vote. And these people (both the electors and the elected) are making decisions that will outlast your car, and cost you more money. And they affect everyone, not just you, like your doctor’s advice might.

And while I am here, let me talk about people who vote on things they have nothing at stake in. Around here (and perhaps other places), property tax increases on homes and businesses are voted on at the voting booth. And around here, a large percentage of voters are people who don’t own property.

And that, to me, is simply wrong. Why is someone who pays no property tax getting a say on how much others pay? Voting should be limited to people who have a stake in the outcome. If you don’t pay property tax, you shouldn’t get to vote on the property tax rate.

I know. I know. That’s a “poll tax.”

Well, I am not convinced that is a wrong thing in this day and age. A poll tax can help to keep people from voting who shouldn’t be voting.

Why do we want government being run by people who don’t know things?

This is why political polls are so misleading. There was an episode of the West Wing where political polls were being discussed, particularly (if I recall correctly) on the subject of foreign policy and some crisis. Someone brought up the poll, and the president remarked how foolish it was to imagine that the public could have any informed opinion about the state of affairs.

I think he was right.

Listen, most Americans have no idea about the complexities of the national and global economy. They have learned a few buzz words from their favorite radio host or columnist. And they know when the money runs out before the month does. But that’s about it.

But most Americans shouldn’t feel bad about that. Most presidents and most congressional representatives are right there with them.

You can’t run the government by polls simply because it is silly to take advice from ignorant and partial people. Which is the same reason you shouldn’t run government by a president and Congress. But, to quote Churchill (or someone), “Democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others out there.”

Not to mention, who is going to trust an election these days? I don’t. I have no confidence at all in the integrity of the voting process. The lack of voter ID is unconscionable. The reality is that there is little or nothing aside from my personal integrity that would keep me from voting as any of my neighbors, or as Jesse Jackson or Al Sharpton. And that’s a problem.

The suggestion that voter fraud isn’t a problem is ludicrous on its fact. How big a problem it is we don’t know. I suspect it is big. But how big does it have to be before it matters? Until the government takes steps in ensure the integrity of the voting process, no one should have any confidence in it.

While much (though not enough) is being made of computer voting and voter ID, there is no nearly enough being said about absentee voting, and that, in my opinion, is where the greatest fraud is likely to be.

Which, to me, raises a constitutional question. If the election is to be held on the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November, on what constitutional basis are votes cast on any other day? That seems to rule out early voting and absentee voting.

But alas, I am not going to change the world here. But today is election day so I can at least contribute something.

So what should we do? Well, go vote. Make the best choice you can. There are real issues at stake and the world is run by people who show up. So show up and vote.

And don’t leave your Christianity at the door. There are moral issues and political issues. The moral issues are the ones that matter most. Issues like abortion and gay marriage are far more important than tax policy, right to work, education, and the like. Never forget that we will give account for these votes.

Some of you might refuse to vote on the grounds that you won’t vote for the lesser of two evils. That, my friend, is bankrupt thinking. Until Jesus is on the ballot, we are always voting for the lesser of two evils. And Jesus will never be on the ballot because he will just take over.

So don’t vote, if you wish. But don’t blame on “the lesser of two evils.”

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Well put. I've already voted and knew who and what to vote for ahead of time. And sometimes, you just have to do a write in if you absolutely can't vote for the choices given. Had to do that today. We had a choice between a democrat and a democrat in republican clothing in two of our races here. Not that my write in will matter much.