Thursday, June 28, 2007

On Preaching Narrative

Unfortunately, though, preaching from Old Testament narratives resembles playing the saxophone: it is easy to do poorly.
Stephen D. Mathewson, “Guidelines for Understanding and Proclaiming Old Testament Narratives,” BSac (154:410). He says, “This analogy comes from Haddon W. Robinson, who originally applied it to expounding parables” (Biblical Sermons [Grand Rapids: Baker, 1989], 168).

I am currrently reading David Larsen's book Telling the Old Old Story: The Art of Narrative Preaching. This article is a good, though brief, companion to the book.

While I am on the topic, if almost half the Bible is narrative (think most of Genesis-Esther, Matthew-Acts), why aren't narrative texts more prominent in our preaching?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Larry, I took a stab at answering your good question on my blog right here: