Wednesday, March 08, 2006

A Brief Hiatus

I recently started what was billed as a series of articles on evangelistic strategies in the local church. But then reality interrupted me in a rude way.

You know how you know something is coming but it just doesn’t register with you? That’s me right now. For about eight months or so I have known the little guy would get here around March 22. But last weekend, it hit me … that’s like tomorrow almost.

Due to my almost legendary ability to work under pressure with grace and style (or perhaps just my general lack of awareness of the passage of time), I have been postponing the baby prep. But no longer. So, in lieu of articles on evangelistic strategy, I am finishing the baby’s room.

(Did I say finishing? That is probably way too much of an overstatement.)

So I will return to the articles. They are partly done. But first things first since the little guy can’t sleep on my blog.

1 comment:

Chris Anderson said...


You know, despite our occasional differences, I've always considered you to be a good friend. And you know what else? I think 'Chris' is a wonderful name.

'Christopher Rogier' has a nice ring to it, don't you think? :-)