Monday, February 09, 2009

This and That

Several people have already pointed out Russell Moore’s take on children and cell phones. It is excellent. And I agree.

For all you Hebrew readers, here is a site where you can read the Hebrew text in several different ways, including stripping out all the vowel pointing and reading simply a consonantal text. If you can read a consonantal text, you know Hebrew pretty well.

Interestingly, in Genesis, you can see the text broken down into the various sources, which isn’t all that helpful since it has been thoroughly discounted. But it is interesting nonetheless.

And for you travelers out there, Wi-Fi is coming to the skies. The connectivity in our world is distressing. There is something strangely comforting about a long plane ride when you know there will be nothing else to do but read, think, pray, daydream, or catch a nap. Of course, it gets old after a couple of hours. If Wi-Fi was available, I would probably use it.

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