Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Interesting List

Here is a list of Twenty Books to Read on Christians and Culture by Tullian Tchividjian.
  1. No Place for Truth by David Wells
  2. God in the Wasteland by David Wells
  3. Losing our Virtue by David Wells
  4. Above all Earthly Powers by David Wells
  5. Engaging God’s World by Cornelius Plantinga
  6. Not the Way it’s Supposed to be by Cornelius Plantinga
  7. Heaven is a Place on Earth by Michael Wittmer
  8. Lectures on Calvinism by Abraham Kuyper
  9. The Gospel in a Pluralist Society by Lesslie Newbigin
  10. Resident Aliens by Stanley Hauerwas and William Willimon
  11. Where Resident Aliens Live by Stanley Hauerwas and William Willimon
  12. American Evangelicalism by James Davison Hunter
  13. The Transforming Vision by Brian Walsh and Richard Middleton
  14. He Shines in all That’s Fair by Richard Mouw
  15. The Gravedigger File by Os Guinness
  16. Total Truth by Nancy Pearcey
  17. Rumor of Angels by Peter Berger
  18. A Peculiar People by Rodney Clapp
  19. Being the Body by Charles Colson
  20. Chameleon Christianity by Dick Keyes
Anything you would add? Or omit?

1 comment:

Jamie said...

Almost ANYTHING by Os Guiness.
I see you have one there. His "Dining with the Devil" and "Fit Bodies, Fat Minds" are outstanding.

BTW, Larry, how's River Rouge Baptist Church? You probably don't remember me (Jamie Bickel), but in 1999, I was at your church for your first NBT as an NBT evangelist. We had a great week as God took a few kids and turned it into about 70-80 enrolled after we hit the streets hard. Praise God for your still faithfully serving Him there!