Friday, September 23, 2005

What is Fundamentalism?

(Sit back and get comfortable … This is longer than normal.)

This will be the first blog entry of what I am sure will be many to come on the topic of fundamentalism. Let me say this at the start: I am an unapologetic fundamentalist (as I understand it). I repudiate with great concern the actions and attitudes of some who claim the name fundamentalism. But I think it necessary to at least try to defend what I (and I think many others) would believe fundamentalism to be. Obviously, I can’t say everything in one post, and no doubt there are some holes in this attempt, so I post with some fear and would like unanimous consent to revise and extend my remarks.

A Brief History of This Entry

The idea for this post has been rumbling around in my head for some time. I recently interacted on an Emergent Church blog that I read from time to time. The topic was Fundamentalists in the Emerging Church? The blog entry referenced writer and lecturer Karen Armstrong who lectured on fundamentalism and the Battle for God. I would like to take time to read carefully and interact with Armstrong’s lecture notes, but I don’t have time.

My interaction in this blog was sparked by a comment made by a poster using the handle of Iggy, who said,
The biggest difference [between fundamentalists and the postmodern/emergents] is the inability for a fund'y to see beyond his own view... In that regard I pray we never are referred to as Fundamentalists. In my run ins with most fundy's I have not felt anything but judgementalism [sic]. To me the one thing we have in common is that they are against modernism... but do not be fooled, they are very premodern (in denial) and are not usually open to postmodern at all. In fact they have a big tendency to grossly misrepresent PM [postmodern] views.

I have never had a true conversation... on [sic] received rebuke and monologue
I responded that Iggy’s post was worthy of his own condemnation. I said,
You say that they (fundamentalists) have a big tendency to grossly misrepresent PM views. As a fundamentalist, I have seen nothing here that properly represents my views. Don't you think you are saddled with the same problem you complain about? (HINT: You should think so, or else you are guilty of your first complaint, about not being able to see past your own view.) Not all fundamentalists are the same. Christian fundamentalism has absolutely nothing in common with Judaic, Islamic, or any other kind of fundamentalism. To include them in the same idea is a misrepresentation of church history (and secular history for that matter). The only commonality is that someone gave them the same name.

My plea is for you to recognize that you just did the very thing you complained about, misrepresented someone because you can't see past your own view.
That led Andrew to say,
a lot of people do not know the history of Christian fundamentalism, or the social gospel issues in the 20's in USA that gave birth to the postive [sic] side of this movement.

Karen Armstrong is considered a world authority on the subject, and no one would rubbish her critique, but she may not have your angle.

Could you write up something and come back and give us a link to it?
(Still with me??? I think we could make a movie or something out of this..)

So here it is … My “something” about fundamentalism as I have seen it, and do see it. I don’t speak for all, and perhaps not for anyone but myself. But here is my brief attempt to lay out some basics. It is necessary in writing something of this link to be simplistic and to gloss over some needed details. I hope those interested will continue their research.

"Something" about Fundamentalism

First, let me say that a lot of people claim the name “fundamentalist” who have no right to it. The blog summarizes Armstrong this way (quoted from the blog):
Fundamentalism, she argued, is found in Christianity, Judaism, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, and even secular humanism. It is not orthodox, she said, but rather it is a "new doctrine", characterized by the two ingredients of independence and innovation. Behind fundamentalism is the fear of annihilation and fundamentalism becomes more extreme when attacked.
I think she is dead wrong. To associate historic Christian fundamentalism with that of Judaism, Islam, etc. simply doesn’t understand what Christian fundamentalism is. The unique connotation of Christian fundamentalism (hereafter simply “fundamentalism”) makes it markedly distinct from all other forms of fundamentalism, whatever similarities they might share. Even within Christian fundamentalism broadly defined, there are many who have no legitimate claim to the title of fundamentalist for a variety of reasons, including their departure from the historic doctrinal positions. Second, to say that fundamentalism is new is also to misunderstand what fundamentalism is, and it is here that I shall park my horse for a moment.

Fundamentalism as a movement arose in the early part of the 20th century in response to the theological liberalism and weakening of the gospel that came from the continental theologians in the 19th century. There was a rising “scholasticism” bent on denying or recharacterizing the doctrines held since the beginning of the church that had been systematized throughout church history. The late 19th century and early 20th century saw the rise of the social gospel through men like Bushnell, Rauschenbusch, Strong, Gladden and others, and this social gospel began to squeeze out the biblical gospel. What began as a “both/and” for many soon become a “one only.” And they chose the wrong one. In response to this shift in theology and practice, a series of booklets entitled “The Fundamentals” were written by a number of men. The name “fundamentalist” was coined by Curtis Lee Laws in 1920 when he said, “We suggest that those who still cling to the great fundamentals and who mean to do battle royal for the fundamentals shall be called fundamentalists” (see The Watchman Examiner, July 1, 1920). All that to say this: When Armstrong says that fundamentalism was a “new doctrine,” she is not correct. Fundamentalism was a plea to hold on to the “old doctrine" that was being compromised by theological liberalism.

For fundamentalists, the most important standard of truth is the truth of God’s word. An old saying goes, “God said; I believe it; that settles it.” For the fundamentalist, the saying would have read, “God said it; that settles it.” Personal belief could not be made a criteria for truth, nor could acceptance by others. Of course, this addresses post-modernism head on in many ways, but that is a different topic and I must hurry on. The "great fundamentals" revealed by God in Scripture were worthy of our full commitment of belief.

Fundamentalism had a second criterion, as outlined by Laws. Not only did they “cling to the great fundamentals,” but they also “mean[t] to do battle royal for the fundamentals.” For the fundamentalist, it is not enough to simply hold to doctrine. It is necessary to battle for them. This “earnest contention” (cf. Jude 3) includes going as far as separation from those who reject the core doctrines of the faith, a separation such as is outlined in passages like Romans 16:17-18, 3 John 8-11, Jude, and others. It is not separation on personal preference or personality. It is separation based on doctrine and obedience. According to Romans 16:17-18, the fundamentalist is not the one charged with division. It is the one who contradicts the Bible who is the divisive person. Too many times that is turned around and the fundamentalist is labeled the schismatic.

For the fundamentalist, loving God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength, meant that God’s enemies were your enemies. You were commanded to love them and reach them with the gospel, not to work alongside them in ministry or ecclesiastical union. Those who refused to obey God must be separated from in the interest of purity and holiness of the Church and the doctrines that God revealed.

Let me try to sum this up, though perhaps I have raised more questions than I have answered. A fundamentalist is first and foremost committed to the core doctrines of Christianity. I have called them the “load bearing doctrines,” the doctrines without which the house of Christianity falls. Obviously, not all doctrine fits in this category, but there are certainly some that do such as the virgin birth, salvation by grace alone through faith alone in Christ alone, the bodily resurrection of Christ from the dead, the personal coming of Christ at the end of the age, as well as some others. A fundamentalist is committed to whole-hearted acceptance of and commitment to these things that God has clearly revealed in Scripture.

A fundamentalist is secondly committed to the honor of and defense of those doctrines, through confrontation, exposure, and separation if need be. The Bible commands that we separate from those who teach falsely—contrary to what we have learned in Scripture. One cannot be obedient and one cannot love God truly without practicing this separation. Such separation is based on core doctrines clearly revealed, not on doctrines of dispute, or doctrines that are so called “minor” doctrines. (One of the great lacks in fundamentalism, in my opinion, is the lack of agreement about which doctrines fit this category. But again, that is another topic, and I must hurry on.) Fundamentalists should be strongly committed to biblical unity, unity based on the “faith once for all delivered to the saints.” Where that faith is not held in high esteem, unity is a farce. To fail to separate in such cases is not an act of love for the body of Christ, but rather an act of disdain for God and the body of Christ which He has saved. Such separation should not be taken lightly, nor undertaken hastily. In some cases, separation has taken place over a number of years. But it must be undertaken for the sake of God and his truth, and for the sake of the body.

Have some fundamentalists taken separation too far? Absolutely. Have some fundamentalists behaved in unseemly ways? Without question. Have fundamentalists been guilty of judgmentalism? No doubt. Are some fundamentalists unable to see past their own views? Certainly. But the sine qua non of fundamentalism is different than that. Fundamentalism is about people who love God more than men, about people who love God’s word more than they love the approval of others. It is about people who love God and his truth enough to honor it with a hearty defense and separation when need be. I will not defend people who claim the name of fundamentalist and do stupid things. Quite frankly, I am often embarrassed by what some “fundamentalists” do. I have told some fundamentalists that they are out of line. I have told some people they have no right to the name fundamentalist. But I also refuse to be defined by their lunacy.

Many fundamentalists believe what they believe because it well defended by Scripture, not because they are judgmental or angry. On the other hand, many fundamentalists are simply repeating what they have heard. Fundamentalists that I know are not afraid of “annihilation” as Armstrong says. In fact, I think the brightest days of fundamentalism are still ahead, in heaven if not on this earth. The theological and ecclesiastical landscape has greatly changed in the last century. The battles of Curtis Lee Laws, W. B. Riley, Bob Jones Sr., Robert Ketcham, T.T. Shields, and other great men have changed. But at stake is the truth of God’s Word and the souls of men. And those are high stakes.

Fundamentalism is broad, and there may be some intramural squabbles about where exactly the line is drawn on some issues. But these squabbles should be characterized by grace and humility in earnest contention for the faith. I am not for a "softer, gentler" fundamentalism. In fact, I think fundamentalism has grown too weak. The academic and theological substance of an earlier generation gave way to bombastic nonsense being spewed forth from behind pulpits that must have been reinforced to withstand the pounding. The personal piety and holiness gave way in many cases to a rigid legalism, in which some standards were right, but were taught without the foundation of loving God with everything that you are.


So fundamentalism is no new thing; it is age old Christianity applied to a modern context. Fundamentalists are not without faults and that is to our shame. But in the haste to condemn the “judgmental fundamentalists,” let us not forget that it is judgmental to make such a condemnation. In other words, those who attack fundamentalists are forced to do the very same thing they accuse fundamentalists of, namely, make judgments about someone else’s theology and obedience. And that judgment results in a de facto separation from their end.

But don't confuse Christian fundamentalists with Islamic fundamentalists, Jewish fundamentalists, or people who parade around with "God hates fags" signs. We are different, and with good reason. Our roots are found in historic Christianity. Or as liberal theologian Kirsopp Lake put it:

It is a mistake, often made by educated persons who happen to have but little knowledge of historical theology, to suppose that Fundamentalism is a new and strange form of thought. It is nothing of the kind; it is the ... survival of a theology which was once universally held by Christians ... The Fundamentalist may be wrong; I think that he is. But it is we who have departed from the tradition, not he, and I am sorry for the fate of anyone who tries to argue with the Fundamentalist on the basis of authority. The Bible and the corpus theologicum of the Church is on the Fundamentalist side (in The Religion of Yesterday and To-morrow [Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1925], pp. 61-62 quoted in David Beale, The Pursuit of Purity:American Fundamentalism since 18509 [Greenville, SC: BJU Press, 1986], p. 4).
I hope and pray that the church of Jesus Christ will become more unified as we draw near to the end, but that unity must begin with doctrine, and proceed from obedience.


Anonymous said...

fantastic larry

clear and sharp. thanks so much for this. i will put a link to it and suggest people read it.

Anonymous said...

Larry, what you have set forth here is great. I would add the following thoughts:

The basic core beliefs of fundamentalism are set forth in the creed of Bob Jones University. (look at I realize that there are those who would try to add to that. However, in order to be truly saved, one must have these core beliefs. When one is first saved, one may not understand all this but if truly saved, they will eventually come to agreement with that creed.

I have heard fundamentalists refered to as Pharisees by those who do not have a basic understanding of the way the Bible requires us to believe and act. This is a totally false charge for the person who is really saved. The difference between the real fundamentalist and everyone else is set forth in John 3 where Jesus states that one must be born again by the Spirit to see Heaven. This is what it all boils down to. Nothing else counts until one makes this decision in their heart.

Jay said...


Thank you so much for writing that article. It was recently mentioned on SharperIron, which is how I found it, and was extremely impressed with both your writing ability and your patience with conveying what we do and do not stand for.

I had been thinking about doing something like this on my own blog, and I trust that you will not mind if I link to this. I will strongly recommend that my audience read it. Thank you so much for the good work!

Unknown said...

Hi. Great post... yet again, I think the real issue is many confuse the basic tenants of faith with fundamentalism.
There are those "core and Foundational beliefs we all share as Christians. Yet, as i have experience those who come from the camp you spoke of rising from the 20's and yet judge any who do not beleive as they do as not worthy of fellowship.

To ignore these as fundy's is to ignore the movement as a whole for even if YOU say they are the fringe... they are still part of the whole.

I see that I have not judged them in the same way I have been judged, as they (generalized here) have judged my eternal salvation and who I am as a person... even as a brother in Christ. I have never judged them in that way... that is a very big distinction and is "fundamentally" scripturally WRONG!
I can give you first hand accounts and article after article on how many teach that judging others is the righteous thing to do.

Again to ignore this is to be in denial over the movement and its member self-defined core values.

I never set out to define them, I have let them define themselves to me and this is my conclusion from their own words and attitude. How is that the same as the judgment you claim I have done?

I am not meaning to be defensive, only trying to understand. I see on the very superficial level you are right, yet when you really look deeper and see the bigger picture, (a thing I have yet to see a fundy do in my own experience), I think one will see that once one steps out beyond the "values" set by fundy's one is not accepted and is cast out. This is the opposite of Jesus and is the core of the Spirit of the Pharisees of Jesus day. If you read about Jerry Falwell you will see though his doctrine is very much in line with fundamentalism, he was thought of as a sell out because of using TV and become so popular for a time.

I recommend getting a copy of Harvey Cox's "Religion in the Secular City" where he goes over much of the history and it's implications in this postmodern world.

I have enjoyed are exchanged, and pray that one day we can as Jesus prayed in John 17 all be One.


Larry said...

Thanks for your comments, Iggy.

I respond that I think many do confuse the basic tenets with fundamentalism. But in so doing, have only half of what fundamentalism is. To hold hte basis, load bearing doctrines of hte faith is necessary, but is not enough. One must be willing, in the mold of the apostles, to "do battle royal" for those doctrines, up to and including separation if necessary. One is not a fundamentalism just becuase he believes those things. He is a Christian if he believes them and has committed himself to Christ alone for salvation.

Secondly, the fundamentalists I know are not questioning the salvation of those who disagree, for the most part. There does come a point where the contradiction of a particular doctrine(s) would call salvation into questions. But I don't know of any that question the salvation of someone who holds to the fundamentals but refuses to "do battle royal" for them.

We are commanded by Scripture to judge, to prove things that are excellent, to be discerning, to judge false doctrine, to judge spiritual temperature of the members of hte body. The old "judge not" line as it is commonly used is not found in Scripture. Consider your own posts here and at Andrew's site: They have been very judgmental of the fundamentalist. Some of your complaints probably have merit, and some do not. But you have no problem judging. You just want others to use your own standard of judgment. There is a danger of being hypercritical and we must avoid that. We must judge biblically.

When you say you haven't seen a fundy see the bigger picture, I disagree. I have seen many who "get it." There are men who are far wiser than I who have seen teh bigger picture, historically and theologically. I have been blessed to learn from them in person and in their writings. I think you haven't seen the bigger picture of what fundamentalism is. You are defining it by your narrow experience, both in person and in writing. I don't think that is fair to fundamentalism.

FTR, Falwell was not though of as a sell out because of his use of TV and his popularity. He was called a psuedo fundamentalist because of his willingness to join hands in ministry with those who were disobedient to Scripture.

Thanks for the comments,

Unknown said...

I will respond point by point here:

1. The tenants of faith are very important... yet, I have experienced many things considered as not foundational teachings... such as KJV only, Pretrib, and other views not related to Salvation being used as tools of divisiveness. I know you have said these are not the "mainstream" of Fundamentalism, yet as I have said, even the fringe is part of the whole.

2.Again I disagree, as in your next paragraph you have stated about word for ward the "party line". I have in the past expressed that there is a difference between discernment and judgment. Only to be told I am wrong and we just judge. I disagree, as scripture is clear we must not judge another man's servant.

3.Again you have stated the very point I have expressed as isolationism and exclusivism. Show me one scripture that Jesus calls us to judge others and then exclude them... and when you do, you will see it is the very religious leaders He is condemning.

5. Even in your response it shows me that you are indoctrinated and cannot see outside your own view. So, no you do not "get it". Sorry.

6.FTR, Who is the judge of which brother in Christ is disobedient to scripture. Where is Grace in this view... cloak under judgment? What if God called Falwell to reach out to those in disobedience? Then who is in more disobedience, Falwell, or those who judged him? Mind you I don’t really even care for the guy myself, yet I do not judge him, as one must fulfill the journey God has called him to. The Apostle Paul was condemned by James at one point and fought to bring the Gospel.

I know I am being tough. I know you will not see what I am pointing out... but the spirit of Phariseeism is strong. Beware... for I see even in your answer much in how the Pharisees would have responded to Jesus Himself.
I will stand as Jesus Himself stood againt the self righteous and religious who condemn others.


Larry said...

Thanks for your response. Allow me to counter.

1. You are correct that some use non core teachings as divisive. To some degree they are incorrect. Let me explain quickly (if I can). A non-core teaching can be important to a church. There are some non-core teachings that would disqualify someone from speaking here. That is a form of separation. I would not denounce them for it; I would simply just to go a different way. But the fringe element is just that ... Do you really want to be judged by the fringe element of the EC? Or even by the mainstream for that matter? There are some very serious problems.

2-3. As far as the "party line," I am not sure what you mean by that. The Bible is clear that we are to be discerning with respect to people and doctrines. You can disagree if you wish, but the commands are certainly clear. I don't see how you can disagree with things like the passages I cited above, and many others. Those Scriptures are the express statements of Jesus Christ about the matter at hand. And for the record, most of this discussion is about religious leaders who are, like the Pharisees, not living in accordance with Scripture. When someone stands up and says there might be salvation outside of Jesus Christ, that is a religious leader who has abandoned one of the core doctrines of Christianity. Christ leaves no question about the proper response.

5. (Not sure what happened to 4) I think you are incorrect to say that I am "indoctrinated and cannot see outside my own view." On what possible basis can you see that? YOu disagree with my view. I can see your view. I know where you are coming from.

6. The judge is Scripture. Grace is what calls out to a brother to repent and turn back to the way of obedience. There are some fundamentalists who are light on grace, just as there are non-fundamentalists who are light on grace. There are also some who are light on truth. You ask "What if God called Falwell to reach out to those in disobedience?" There is no "What if?" God did call him to do that, as he has called us all. But God has given some very clear directives about the "how" of reaching out to them, and that is what is at stake. No one is permitted to go around God's how and establish their own.

I don't think you are being particularly tough. I do think there is an extreme amount of judgmentalism in your post, the very thing you decry in others. I can't see any connection between how the Pharisees responded and how I did. If you are going to stand against the self-righteous and religious who condemn others, you will find me there. But I can't help but wonder about your condemnation of me. Can you not see that this works both ways? I find great judgmentalism coming from both sides.

But we must recognize that Scripture is the authority, not our own personal preferences. And I think that is what is too often missing, to our detriment and shame. Do we take Scripture seriously?

Rather than continuing in this exchange which will likely get us nowhere, perhaps you would be willing to set out what you think the Scriptures I reference above mean, since you disagree with my application.
